Sunday, September 25, 2011

Franco fever

- That time I saw James Franco and Gus Van Sant
- (Second picture not taken by me)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This ones for you Brother...

- 24 x Dr Pepper's for $7.99 here
- 1 x Dr Pepper for $4.00 in Australia


- Apparently one of the "things to do" in Portland is to go to Voodoo Doughnut

- So we went, and we waited in line for 30 minutes

- Mmm, voodoo magic

- Fruit loop doughnut

- (Eww) Bacon-maple doughnut

I lose my mind seeking signs

- 22 SW 3rd Avenue

- Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just sayin'

  • The most common nickname for Portland is The City of Roses, and this became the city's official nickname in 2003. Other nicknames include Stumptown, Bridgetown, Rip City, Little Beirut, Beervana, Beertown, P-Town, Portlandia and PDX.
  • If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19.
  • Oregon has no sales tax and is one of only two states where it’s illegal to pump your own gas (New Jersey is the other).
  • 25 per cent of all the retail establishments in the U.S are for eating or drinking.
  • Mexico has seven hundred and seven species of reptiles, four hundred and thirty eight species of mammals, two hundred and ninety species of amphibians, and about twenty six thousand species of flora.
  • Alaskan citizens do not pay any state taxes; instead every person over the age of 6 months receives an oil dividend check of about $1000 per year.
  • American car horns beep in the tone of F.
  • There are twice as many Kangaroos in Australia as people.
  • The hazelnut is Oregon’s official state nut and Oregon is the only state that has an official state nut.
  • In Los Angeles, there are fewer people than there are automobiles.
  • On the Las Vegas strip of Las Vegas, Nevada, unlike every other locality in Nevada, city law allows the possession and consumption of alcohol on the street.
  • The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos.
  • There are no Starbucks in Mexico and only one Ben & Jerries.
  • Kurt Cobain and Courtney love met in Portland.
  • Musician Elliott Smith, Filmmaker Gus Van Sant and Animator Matt Groening all hail from Portland.
  • Mill Ends Park in Portland, the world’s smallest official park, measures two feet across. It was created in 1948 for the leprechauns, and a place to hold snail races on St. Patrick’s Day.
  • The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has enough steel wires in its cables to circle the earth at the equator 3.5 times.
  • The Golden Gate Bridge is the most popular suicide site in the world.
  • Portland is widely considered to have more strip clubs per capita than Las Vegas or San Francisco.
  • "Keep Portland Weird" is a slogan that appears on bumper stickers in Portland, Oregon, and is intended to promote local businesses. The consensus is that Portland is one of the weirder major cities in the U.S.
  • Ninety-nine percent of pumpkins sold in the United States are for the sole purpose of decoration.
  • If Manhattan had the same population density as Alaska, there would only be 15 people living there.

- Some things I have learnt along the way

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Way It Was

I know after today I’ll be ready to leave this place
Will you tell me to stay or will you send me on my way?
With a map and some notes and a line from a song
Such a cruel way to remind me of you while I’m gone

But you had to come down
And you had to go home
I don’t want to talk about it
Well I know i'll feel alone
When you get back home
Will your life be the same?
Will you remember my name?

I’m just a tumbleweed passing through your streets
You can take me in, you can throw me out, you can sweep me off my feet
Because you know you’ll be able to go on living without
How many walls will you build around yourself?

But you had to come down
And you had to go home
I don’t want to think about it
But now you’re gone
And when I get back home
I’ll think of you because
I’ll remember the way it was

I'm moving away from the sunshine to forget about you
I'm moving away from the people I got acquainted to
And when you pulled me in I knew how badly it would end
Maybe its true, but the sun deserves to shine on you

Your favourite dress for the world to see through

I bought these today for super cheap from a thrift shop. I vow never to go back into a chain store again.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Learning about mescalito is a most serious act

"I looked at the dog and his mane was like mine. A supreme happiness filled my whole body, and we ran together toward a sort of yellow warmth that came from some indefinite place. And there we played. We played and wrestled until I knew his wishes and he knew mine."
- Carlos Castaneda in The Travels of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Expand your horizons

I spent two hours in here today...

and I came out with...

For only $19.95 :)

The only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew...

- My postcard collection

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Go back to the pen and paper

I cant remember your face today, I haven't seen it since you went away
All the roses have been painted white, all the day has but a spec of light
Into our rabbit holes we must run, soon we will see a time without the sun
The shortest days and the longest nights, the snowshoe rabbit turns white with fright

- Me

On Poetry and Poets

Hello, San Francisco

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My bus trip from LA to SF to a tee

"It was my fate that any AWOL marines, tear-stained runaways, or drunken parolees would sit so close that on the off chance they might pass out, I was guaranteed to collect their bubbling saliva on the collar of my shirt. Books and magazines offered no relief. Failing to act even as a shield, their presence attracted everything from mild curiosity to open hostility."
- David Sedaris

They're gonna eat you alive in Hollywood!

- Runyon Canyon